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Project |01


Project |01 Facebook Page


This Facebook page was completed by Yesenia Perez, Cassie Howard, and myself. It is a template of a would-be Facebook of the character, Lindo Jong, from the novel the Joy Luck Club. It takes into account Lindo's family members, beliefs, and personal interests.

Project |02 Infographic


An Infographic is a unique and creative way of displaying facts and information. Personally, I find them an absolute blast to make. It was by far my favorite digital piece to make over this past year. The mechanics are easy to learn the tools work great. It is like writing a research paper, but way more fun!

Project |03 The Monarchy in Elizabethan England


This particular project was produced by Dylan Buren, Luke Fraga, Alyssa Sprague, and myself. It is a Google presentation displaying information about the monarchy's structure during the Elizabethan Era. It contains data about the Queen herself, as well as the citizens living in this time period.

Project |02


Project |03


Project |04


Project |04 Scottsborro Timeline


This timeline was produced for the Scottsborro Trial whichbegan in the 1930s. It details the events and punishments for the Scottsborro Boys, several men convicted falsely of raping a white woman. It is a classic timeline with an innovative, digital twist made with Google Drawings.

Project |05


Project |05 Death Penalty Debate


This project is simply a list of Pro and Con arguments I collected in preparation for an in-class writing assignment. The two opposing sides are divided into a chart, and there is evidence for each particular viewpoint.

Project |05


Project |05 Animoto Video


This 30 second Animoto Video was made especially for the last scene of Romeo and Juliet. Used are pictures of students from my classroom, taking on the various Shakespearean roles. To view the actual video, please visit the Videos page. It can be found under the Media tab.

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